Life in Wroclaw,  Useful information

How expensive is Wroclaw? The 2024 Update.

How expensive is Wroclaw

Looking for answers to the questions „How expensive is Wroclaw?“ or „Is Wroclaw cheap?“ there are multiple easy answers. „Yes, Wroclaw is cheap“ would be one of these easy answers, but as always in life, it is more difficult and we have to say: It depends!

Several factors influence the answer, e.g. if you visit Wroclaw from a country with higher average salaries, if you intend to live in Wroclaw or if you come from countries with lesser salary levels. To give you a bit better understanding of your expenses in Wroclaw, we provide some real life examples which hopefully can help you to understand the situation a bit better.

And yes, our post can only provide an indication as prices fluctuate and currently the inflation rate in Poland is quite significant compared to other EU countries. So if you happen to find the toilet paper a couple of PLN cheaper, congratulations to you 🙂

The price levels were captured in February 2024, which means that Covid-19 price increases and recent inflation due to the war etc. are already taken into account.

Alright, now let‘s find out if Wroclaw is expensive for you or not!

How much is 1 PLN worth?

You will find our price indications all in PLN as that makes it easier to keep this post always up to date. However, here some indication on current exchange rate levels into major currencies:

  • 1 PLN = 0,23 EUR
  • 1 PLN = 0,25 USD
  • 1 PLN = 0,20 GBP

(Updated February 2024)

How expensive is Wroclaw

How expensive is transport in Wroclaw?

The cost for transportation is fairly cheap in Wroclaw and Poland generally – compared to other European countries. More information about best deals and options how to travel to Wroclaw are available here in our special post.

For more information on transport in the city, here is how to get around within Wroclaw by public transport and all other options.

How expensive is going out in Wroclaw?

You got hungry and thirsty while you checked our food and drinks in Wroclaw section? Sure, Wroclaw has a vibrant nightlife and again, compared to other EU countries, the price level of Wroclaw is relatively cheap. We have some examples for you, be aware that the meals are without drinks:

How expensive are groceries in Wroclaw?

You prefer to use the traditional measurements of price levels, like the most important grocery products? No problem, here our little price map for groceries in Wroclaw:

How expensive is living in Wroclaw?

Considering moving to Wroclaw? Then you might also be interested in some information about the cost of renting or buying a flat. Here is our little indication on cost of living in Wroclaw.

Of course the more you go towards the city centre, the more expensive it is going to be… But it might give you a very first and rough indication.

How expensive is culture in Wroclaw?

Culture is generally very affordable for everyone in Wroclaw. There are really numerous (many even free) cultural events going on in the city at all time (yeah, except during pandemic times).

Here the overview about some cultural options and the current prices:

How expensive is accommodation in Wroclaw?

You want to spend a weekend in Wroclaw or just enjoy the city during a nice trip? 

In our post about the best accommodations in Wroclaw we already introduced you to budget and luxury options, but we also have created a pre-selection of amazingly located holiday apartments for groups, couples and more

Same with hotels in Wroclaw, here is our list of recommendations.

Apartments from AirBnB in Wroclaw

However, here comes a quick overview of the average cost for accommodation in Wroclaw:

How expensive is shopping in Wroclaw?

Planning a shopping trip to Wroclaw? Sure, good idea as Wroclaw apparently has most sqm of shopping mall space per inhabitant in whole Europe! 

As everywhere, the price level of clothing can vary significantly based on the quality and brand you are going to buy. In general it is fair to say that all large brands are priced at a similar level like in all other countries in Europe. However on some local flea markets, you certainly will find super cheap stuff.

Electronic products like laptops, phones, etc. are mostly slightly more expensive than in other countries due to the VAT of 23%.

What is the salary level in Wroclaw?

Well, it highly depends on your job of course. Here are some indications on the current salary levels in Wroclaw, answering the question „What can I earn in Wroclaw?“:

  • Minimum Salary in Poland: 4.300 PLN
  • Average Salary in Wroclaw (all jobs): 8.600 PLN

(All values are gross salaries before taxes.)

How to save money in Wroclaw?

We hope that our post gave you a little indication on the price levels in Wroclaw and an answer to the question whether Wroclaw is cheap or expensive.

If you are missing some specific information or items here, no worries – we got the comment section down here! Just drop us a quick note and we will update this post with your request.

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