When is the best time to visit Wroclaw?
You want to travel to Wroclaw but not sure what is the best time to visit Wroclaw? We will help you out with decision making. We will not only share some data with you. Much more useful, we will show you a picture of every month. With that you will get a better feeling of your personal favourite months to…
How expensive is Wroclaw? The 2024 Update.
Looking for answers to the questions „How expensive is Wroclaw?“ or „Is Wroclaw cheap?“ there are multiple easy answers. „Yes, Wroclaw is cheap“ would be one of these easy answers, but as always in life, it is more difficult and we have to say: It depends! Several factors influence the answer, e.g. if you visit Wroclaw from a country with higher average…
These Books about Wroclaw will get you through the Winter
In the upcoming winter we will spend more time at home again… But we like to look on the positive side of things: More time to read!!! You are looking for the best travel guidebooks to Wroclaw? You love the city and want to know more about it? Interested in the history of Wroclaw? You want to read a cool…
Where to celebrate New Year’s Eve 2024 in Wroclaw?
As the clock strikes midnight and a new year approaches, there’s no better place to celebrate it than in our beautiful city of Wroclaw. Known for its charming atmosphere and lively spirit, Wroclaw offers a variety of exciting ways to ring in the New Year. In this post, we’ll explore some of the best things to do in Wroclaw very…
15 Things you should avoid in Poland and Wroclaw – tourist traps and useful hints
Most of our website will recommend you the best and coolest things to do in Wroclaw. But like everywhere else in this world, there are also a few things that you should avoid. And that is why we want to share some more important information on things you should avoid in Poland and Wroclaw. Some of them will be typical…
Moving to Wroclaw – Our Arrival Guide for Expats
You are considering moving to Wroclaw? Or maybe the decision already has been made? Probably you already arrived as one of the fresh expats in Wroclaw? No matter, in which of these categories you consider yourself, you found the right place! Here we have consolidated all relevant information that you possibly might need when moving to Wroclaw! However, we want…
How does the war in Ukraine impact Wroclaw?
We are getting quite a number of mails and messages recently on the subject of how Russia’s unprovoked attack against Ukraine is impacting the life, travel and tourism in Wroclaw. So we decided to share a couple of points and some information that we have with you today. Actually we wanted to do that already much earlier but unfortunately the…
What are the current Coronavirus restrictions in Wroclaw 2022?
You want to visit Wroclaw soon but are wondering how the current situation in terms of covid-19 looks like? Then this is the right post for you – we will be updating you here now frequently on the current situation in terms of Wroclaw and Coronavirus. Are restaurants and cafés open in Wroclaw? Can I book hotels in Wroclaw? Can…
Things you should know before you visit Wroclaw
There are certain things that you should know before you visit Wroclaw. We believe that very often it is just a question of respect to make sure you know the very basics about a city or country that you visit. That is why as a little service for you, we have prepared the most important questions and answers you to…